Linux - ping6 и traceroute6 - тестирование сети ipv6
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ping6 и traceroute6 - тестирование сети ipv6
Проверка пинга с source адреса 2607:ff50:0:22:0:20:c5e2:9111
# ping6 -I 2607:ff50:0:22:0:20:c5e2:9111 -I interface address Set source address to specified interface address. Argument may be numeric IP address or name of device. When pinging IPv6 link-local address this option is required.
Трассировка с source адреса 2607:ff50:0:22:0:20:c5e2:9111 к
# traceroute6 -s 2607:ff50:0:22:0:20:c5e2:9111 -s source_addr Chooses an alternative source address. Note that you must select the address of one of the interfaces. By default, the address of the outgoing interface is used.