Dokuwiki - включить индексацию страниц - убрать noindex

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Dokuwiki - включить индексацию страниц - убрать noindex

# vi conf/local.php
$conf['usewordblock'] = 0;
$conf['relnofollow'] = 0;
$conf['indexdelay'] = 0;

Теперь можно добавлять сайт в Google/Yandex webmaster.

indexdelay установить на 0, чтобы отключить отложенную индексацию.
DokuWiki tries to fight wiki spam by several ways. One of them is called delayed indexing and directly influences how search engines spider your page. When enabled it will set the robots meta header accordingly to the age of a page. Only pages which were not edited for a certain time (default: 5 days) will be allowed for spidering. The idea is that the community will have removed any spam in this time. This means only a page which is considered as good by the wiki users will be added by search engines. If you have a quick community (eg. at this wiki spam usually never lasts longer than a day) or have a closed user group you may want to lower the indexdelay option or even set it to 0 for disabling delayed indexing.