Cpanel - An error occurred while attempting to unsuspend user. The user is not in a suspended state

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Cpanel - An error occurred while attempting to unsuspend user. The user is not in a suspended state

Ошибка при запуске аккаунта:

# /scripts/unsuspendacct docto112
An error occurred while attempting to unsuspend “docto112”. The user “docto112” is not in a suspended state.

при этом сайт заблокирован и нет доступа в CPanel.
Решение - вручную выполнить:

# rm -rf /var/cpanel/suspended/docto112
убрать сайт из /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/account_suspensions.conf
убрать записи по suspended из /var/cpanel/users/docto112
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