CloudLinux - Error receiving response header lsphp is killed?: ReceiveResponseHeader: receive pkg hdr failed: ReceivePkgHdr: nothing to read from backend socket

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CloudLinux - Error receiving response header (lsphp is killed?): ReceiveResponseHeader: receive pkg hdr failed: ReceivePkgHdr: nothing to read from backend socket, referer

Ошибка при загрузке картинки или файла через загрузчик:

[Thu Jan 21 22:12:02.751060 2016] [lsapi:error] [pid 31035] [client] [host] Error receiving response header (lsphp is killed?): ReceiveResponseHeader: receive pkg hdr failed: ReceivePkgHdr: nothing to read from backend socket, referer:
Child process with pid: 32586 was killed by signal: 11, core dump: 0
[Thu Jan 21 22:12:02.751124 2016] [lsapi:notice] [pid 31035] [client] mod_lsapi: will not re-send previously crashed request because request method POST is not in lsapi_resend_if_method list, referer:

Решение - для Cpanel:

# vi /usr/local/apache/conf/conf.d/lsapi.conf
lsapi_backend_max_process_time 1800
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Решение - для DirectAdmin:

# vi /etc/httpd/conf/extra/mod_lsapi.conf
lsapi_backend_max_process_time 1800
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart